- plans on dressing up as Kanye West for Halloween and just before the kids yell "Trick or Treat", jump out of the bushes and yell "Christmas is better".
- wants to remind you this Halloween, that as a general rule, don't solve riddles that open portals to Hell.
- warns you this Halloween to beware of strangers bearing strange tools like chainsaws, staple guns, hedge trimmers, electric carving knives, and band saws.
- will have on his tomb stone, "See I told you I was SICK!"
- is going to dress up as Kanye West and show up at Taylor Swift's house this Halloween.
- hopes this Halloween, he doesn't end up with a bag full of restraining orders again.
- wonders if he's getting old, or if others also ask for high fibre candy only on Halloween?
- forgot to buy candy for the kids this Halloween but will offer them a bite of his sandwich.
- hopes nobody else dresses up as Justus von Liebig, Father of biochemistry who recorded minerals in plant ash and proposed the law of minimum.
- wonders if Lady Gaga dresses up as a normal person for Halloween???