Sunday, January 23, 2011

Funny Facebook Status Updates About Being Freezing Cold

  1. just farted and it froze.  Damn it's coooold!
  2. 's shadow froze to the ground today.  Damn it's cooooold!
  3. knows it's cold when Paris Hilton has to put on underwear. 
  4. thinks it's dangerous to use metal utensils when it's this cold.
  5. knows it's cold when chickens are running to KFC to use the deep fryer.
  6. knows it's cold when he sees the squirrels throwing themselves against the electric fence.
  7. chipped his tooth on his soup... Damn it's cooooold!
  8. had to punch a hole in the air to get outside.
  9. went to work with a toaster in his pants it was so cooooold.
  10. has one word for how cold it is... "peecicle".  


  1. HAHa..the first one made me laugh so hard

  2. i didnt understood.......

  3. funny enjoy to see post update continue your posting i will wait your next blog.

  4. awesome post

    thx for making people laugh

    The Judge: “I though I told you I never wanted to see you again.”
    The Criminal: “That’s what I told the police but they wouldn’t listen!”


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