Sunday, June 10, 2012

Funny "Things To Do" Facebook Status Updates

  1. is going to buy a parrot and then teach it to say, "Help! I've been turned into a parrot!"
  2. is going to change his name to Simon and then go around speaking in third person.
  3. is driving around town, following runners, and blasting "Eye Of The Tiger" for encouragement!
  4. put some vanilla pudding in to a mayonnaise jar and is eating it in public
  5. is handing out lemons to people on a street corner and wearing a shirt that says "Life"
  6. is going to major in philosophy and then go around and ask "WHY do you want fries with that?"
  7. just ran into a store screaming "What year is this?" and when the cashier replied with the year, I ran out screaming, "It Worked!  It Worked!!!"
  8. is changing my last name to Acula, and going to become a doctor...
  9. just hired two private investigators to follow each other
  10. is standing in a crowded elevator saying, "I guess you are probably wondering why I've gathered you all here today..."


  1. This funny facebook status are really cool, i will use it at my facebook profile, thanks !!

  2. Nice facebook statuses, thanks for sharing, i know things to do ;)

  3. 7th one. LOL. We have some good statuses and photos too. Funny Status Updates

  4. All of them are too good.I will surely use them.

  5. These are damn Funny Status lines, you just pleased me a lot.

  6. These are the cool Facebook LMS ideas posted here.

  7. Statuses which really helps you to pull attention from others with Latest Ideas About Facebook Status. As you all know facebook is a great medium to share your views and brings smile on visitors face.

  8. Great one, like buying a new Invicta 9937 instead of Rolex..

  9. That is what I was mainly after. I would basically want to be able to pull information like from the wall tab.allbestserials || e urdu point

  10. This is a very good prank to make with the help of a parrot. This can be set as a facebook status also.


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